WEEKLY | Green Market
Alliance of the Arts, Fort Myers
Every Saturday, 9am-1pm
WEEKLY | 3rd St. S. Farmer’s Market
Naples, Every Saturday, 7:30-11:30am
WEEKLY | Sunset Celebration
Time Square, Fort Myers Beach
Every Friday & Saturday, 5pm-10pm
WEEKLY | Dogs in the Garden Walk Days
Naples, Botanical Gardens
Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
AUG 17 | Music Walk
Fort Myers River District, 6pm-10pm
AUG 18 | Summer Jazz on the Gulf - TBone Hamilton
Naples Beach Hotel, 6:30pm-9:30pm
SEPT 7 | Art Walk
Fort Myers River District, 6pm-10pm
SEPT 15 | Summer Jazz on the Gulf - Pocket Change
Naples Beach Hotel, 6:30pm-9:30pm
SEPT 20 | Tapa Hop
Fort Myers Beach, 3pm-9pm
SEPT 21 | Music Walk
Fort Myers River District, 6pm-10pm
SEPT 21-30 | Island Hopper Songwriter’s Festival
Lee County, Locations vary, Times vary